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The report for our OFSTED inspection, which happened on the 11th January this year, has now been published on our website at:


It can also be found in the 'Letters Home' section by clicking on the 'News and Events' button.


Her Majesty’s Inspector, Nathan Kemp, spent a day at the school and also looked at our website, our assessment data and looked at survey results from parents, pupils and staff. He spoke to me, Mrs Moyle, as SENCo, and visited the children in their lessons. He also talked to the children, looked at their books and interviewed the school’s governors.


We were praised for effective safeguarding of our pupils, our investment in reading resources and the approach we take to encourage a love of reading. We are delighted with the report and the recognition of the work done by the team at this school.


In his report Mr Kemp said:

· “This is a caring school community which is aspirational for all pupils and the community it serves.”


· “You have an astute understanding of the strengths and weaknesses across the school, acting decisively and with success when changes or improvements are required. The pupils are central to every decision you make.”


· “The school environment is rich in safeguarding materials, reminding staff of their responsibilities to keep children safe and communicate concerns that they may have to the relevant leaders. Leaders have also promoted safeguarding on the school website, another example of how safeguarding children is of utmost importance to you and your team. As a result, parents and staff are unanimous that children are safe. Pupils agree.”


· “Teachers know their pupils extremely well and provide well-informed challenges to help pupils further improve. Where pupils require additional support, interventions are of a high quality and provide pupils with opportunities to apply what they have learned in a positive learning environment.”


· “Pupils have access to a rich and varied book stock, value the books available and enjoy the choices they have. As a result, pupils love to read. They speak passionately about their favourite books and authors and can discuss their reasons for selecting books.”


“During one session that we watched, one pupil found a part of the story she was reading particularly funny and was desperate to share this moment with her classmates. Such is the love of reading that all were interested in her retelling of this funny moment in the book.”


As already mentioned, the full report can be read by visiting the 'Letters Home' section or the OFSTED and Performance Data section of the website.

