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After-School Clubs

These will be the after-school clubs running in the school for the second half of the summer term 2024.

MondaysGymnastics for Years 1 and 2 With external tutor from Arena 3rd June to 8th July
MondaysRounders for Years 5 and 6 With Mr Watson and Mrs James 3rd June to 8th July
TuesdaysTennis for Years 3 and 4 With Miss Cole 4th June to 9th July
TuesdaysHama Beads for Years 1 and 2 With Miss Stevens 4th June to 9th July
WednesdaysAthletics Club for Key Stage 2 With external tutor from LJD Coaching 5th June to 10th July
ThursdaysFun Club for Years 3 and 4 With Mrs Watkins and Mrs James 6th June to 11th July
ThursdaysComputing Club for Key Stage 2 With Mr Whitefield 6th June to 11th July, not 20th June

Clubs are now booked online via Schoolcomms/School Gateway.  You will be sent an invite according to your child's year group.  
