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The Pupil Premium is awarded to schools by the government to support the most disadvantaged children.  On this page you will find details of:


  1. How much Pupil Premium funding we receive each year
  2. What the main barriers to educational achievement that the disadvantaged children in the school face
  3. Our strategy for supporting children in receipt of the Pupil Premium
  4. How we propose to spend our funding each year in order to address these barriers
  5. When we plan to review our Pupil Premium strategy
  6. How we spent our Pupil Premium during the last academic year and the impact that the funding had on disadvantaged pupils.
  7. How we spend the Catch Up Premium to help children make up lost ground as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

We receive approximately £50,000 in Pupil Premium and Catch Up Premium funding.


We find the main barriers our disadvantaged children face are in the following areas:


  1. Keeping up with their peers in reading, writing and maths
  2. Having a wide choice of books to read at home
  3. Overcoming literacy and numeracy barriers that others in the household may have
  4. Having wider experiences which other children may get


We review the spending of our Pupil Premium budget termly.  


Our budget aims to tackle these barriers so our children in receipt of the Pupil Premium close the attainment gap with children not in receipt of the premium both in school and nationally.  The documents below show how we propose to achieve this.


