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You can find details on this page of all the interesting things that have been happening in Duckpool class.  Read on to find out more...


Designing ferris wheels - January 2025

Aerial Maps in Geography - October 2024

Movable toys in Design and Technology

Science Week assembly - our learning about jelly setting times

Kilk’s Got Talent - Duckpool - March 2024

World Book Day 2024


As part of our unit of work on 'Animals, including Humans' we have been talking about how we can keep healthy. We have been learning about the importance of eating healthy food, doing regular exercise, having a good night's sleep and keeping ourselves clean. 


Here the children had to sort pictures of food into different groups. They chose groups like healthy and unhealthy and then some went onto putting the foods into groups like fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, meat, dairy foods and junk food.

The Great Fire of London

The Great Fire of London started in a bakery in Pudding Lane in 1666. As part of our learning we had a lot of fun making bread.

At the beginning of the Spring term 2024 we learnt about what London is like nowadays compared to 1666 when The Great Fire of London occurred. 

Here are some models that the children made of landmarks in London. Can you guess what they are?

Fencing taster session

We enjoyed the fencing taster session and here are a few photos to show what we did.

Farm and Country Roadshow

Here are photos showing the children taking part in activities provided by the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association.

Poetry and Artwork - October 2023

Year 2 Ball Skills Festival - October 2023

Bird Sculptures

Kilk's Got Talent

Several members of our class took part in Kilk’s Got Talent, here are some pictures and videos of members of Duckpool taking part in the event.

The Duckpool Spice Girls

Still image for this video

The Duckpool Spice Girls (2)

Still image for this video

Eda’s singing

Still image for this video

Finley, Harry and Freddie singing Shotgun

Still image for this video

Design and Technology

We have been learning to make our own movable monsters.  Here are some pictures of us creating them.

Composing in Music - February 2023

In music we have been learning the song, ‘I want to play in a band.’ We have also listened to different rock songs. This week we started composing our own tune to accompany the song.  Here are some pictures and videos of us composing.  We look forward to sharing our finished compositions soon.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Winter pictures - January 2023

Learning about the Great Fire of London - Half-timbered houses

Learning about the Great Fire of London - Bread Making

Art work linked to our topic 'Home and Away'

Welcome to Duckpool

The children in Duckpool have painted their own self-portrait.  Can you guess who is who?

About us - Self Portraits and Acrostic Poems September 2019

Pirate ships made by Year 1 children

Pirate ships made by Year 2 children

Our visit to Rosemoor in December.

Winter Silhouettes

Hungry Caterpillar Food Workshop

Great Fire of London Baking

We have been learning about the Great Fire of London.  We learnt that the fire started in a bakery in Pudding Lane.  We wanted to learn how to make bread so we all learnt how to make bread.  We produced some delicious bread rolls!

Art inspired by Remembrance Day

Making Faces

We have made models of our own faces out of clay and have then painted them.  We mixed the colours to get the shade we wanted for our faces.  The faces will be going on display when they are finally completed. Please have a look at some pictures of us working very hard to get our faces just right!


We have been learning about lighthouses, so in Science we've been trying to get bulbs to light up using batteries and wires.


We have enjoyed reading stories about Mr Grinling, who is The Lighthouse Keeper. The children have used these stories as inspiration so as to make their own model lighthouses. Come and see more of them in our classroom!


We designed and made owl puppets using felt and our sewing skills. Afterwards, we got into groups to write a play, before performing it to the rest of the class.

Making Rainforest Biscuits - February 2017

As part of our topic on the rainforest, we made biscuits using ingredients that are found in the rainforest. We then used our instruction writing skills to let other people know hoe to make these lovely biscuits.

Our visit to Newquay Zoo - January 2017

We visited Newquay Zoo with Widemouth class as part of our topic on the rainforest.  We learnt lots about the different types of creatures which live in the rainforest.  We used our learning to write fact files and riddles.