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Design and Technology - Making Castles - July 2024

Crazy Butterfly by Faith

Still image for this video

Leo the Dragon by Finley

Still image for this video

Disco by Charlotte B

Still image for this video

Zebra under the tree by Eda

Still image for this video

In the Garden by Charlotte D

Still image for this video

Master of the Grass by Benjamin

Still image for this video

Meep’s Doomsday by Freddie

Still image for this video

Panda by Emilie

Still image for this video

Meep has found some food by Piran

Still image for this video

A Stormy Night with the Tigers by Esme

Still image for this video

In the Garden by Marnie

Still image for this video

Tiger Love by Evie

Still image for this video

The Fierce Crocodile

Still image for this video

Under the Sea by Wren

Still image for this video

Grandpa Jellyfish by Jack

Still image for this video

The Magic Horse by Myleigh

Still image for this video

The Fields by Harry

Still image for this video

The Giraffe by Lilly

Still image for this video

The Fox by Harriet

Still image for this video

Sandra the Dinosaur by Callum

Still image for this video
Learning about moving puppets in art.

Science Week Assembly - our learning about nature in the school

Learning about Spreadsheets - March 2024

Painting our Roald Dahl models - February 2024

Year 3 3D model making -January 2024

A Christmas Carol Reloaded - December 2023

Attending the Village War Memorial - 10th November 2023

Art inspired by cave paintings in Lascaux and the Namib Desert - September 2023

Kilk's Got Talent

Several members of our class took part in Kilk’s Got Talent, here are some pictures and videos of members of Crooklets class taking part in the event.

Jake playing keyboard

Still image for this video

Making healthy sandwiches
