Welcome to our Governors’ section
Last updated on 13th December 2024
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Our governing body consists of 1 Chair; 1 Local Authority Governor; 2 Co-opted Governors; 2 Parent Governors; 1 Foundation Governor; 1 Staff Governor and the Head Teacher.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
Details about former governors as well as attendance at board meetings can be found by clicking on the relevant links at the bottom of the page.
Governor List and Responsibilities
Kilkhampton Junior and Infant School
Name | Category | Term of Office | Responsibilities | Register of Interest | Curriculum Team |
Mr Martin Cross | Chair of Governors Co-opted Governor (Co-opted by the Governing Body)
| 02.05.18-01.05.22 then 01.05.22- 30.04.26 | Chair of Governors Finance Committee Health and Safety Pupil Premium and Disadvantaged Children Appointed Governor Head Teacher Performance Management Whistleblowing | Nil | Mathematics Computing |
Mrs Jodi Risdon | Parent Governor | 01.05.19-30.04.23 then 01.05.23- 30.04.27 | Vice Chair of Governors Finance Committee Chair Chair Curriculum Committee Appointed Governor Head Teacher Performance Management | Parent of child at the school | English Physical Education |
Ms Abigail Healey | Co-opted Governor | 07.09.2022-06.09.2026 | Mental Health Governor | Parent of child at the school | EYFS |
Mr Michael Watson | Head Teacher (Appointed by the Governing Body) | n/a | Head Teacher | Nil | Head Teacher |
Mrs Victoria Moyle | Staff Governor (Appointed by the Governing Body) | 08.03.21- 07.03.25 | Staff Representative SENCo | Nil | Staff Governor |
Mr James Trewin | Foundation Governor | 13.01.21-12.01.25 | Chair Health and Safety Committee Buildings
| STEM | |
Mr Lee Bond | LA Governor (Nominated by Kilkhampton Parish Council)
| 30.6.21-29.06.25 | Health and Safety | Parent of child at the school | Humanities Creative Arts |
Vacancy | Parent Governor |
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Vacancy | Parent Governor |
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Buildings/Site H & S Committee
| J Trewin | M Cross | L Bond | M Watson | |
Personnel and Finance Committee | J Risdon | M Cross | M Watson | ||
Curriculum Committee | J Risdon | J Lacey | V Moyle | M Watson | |
Appeals and Personnel | As required | As required | As required | ||
Head Teacher Performance Management | M Cross | J Risdon | |||