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Summerleaze – Year 5 and 6

Leavers’ Meal - July 2024

Swim Safe Lessons - June 2024

Bikeability training - May 2024

May 2024 - Waistcoat design - Starting to make the waistcoats

May 2024 - Waistcoat design - Drawing up templates

May 2024 - Waistcoat design - measuring up

Self Portraits from Art

Pupils from Summerleaze taking part in the RNLI beach safety assembly

Science Week Assembly - presenting our learning about moulds

Kilk’s Got Talent - Summerleaze - March 2024

World Book Day - 7th March 2024

Year 5 playing glockenspiels in music

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Design and Technology - Finished Steady Hand Games - January 2024

Design and Technology - Making Steady Hand Games - January 2024

Design and Technology - Playground Structures - November 2023

Attending the Village War Memorial - 10th November 2023

September 2023 - Learning the Mousehole Cat through drama

PSHE - Year 6 Learning Collaboration Skills

PSHE - September 2023 Year 5 Learning Collaboration Skills

Bikeability - July 2023

Learning about Sustainability- May 2023

Kilk's Got Talent

We had two acts in Kilk's Got Talent.  Nate doing a comedy roast and Blake and Ebin recreating a scene from Star Wars.

Star Wars - Blake and Ebin

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Making Waistcoats

In our Design and Technology lessons we are designing and making waistcoats for Mr Watson, Mr Whitefield and Mr Miles. We have now got to the making stage. We have cut out our templates and are now cutting out the fabric and sewing our designs onto the waistcoats.


We can’t wait to show you our finished waistcoats! 

Digital Music Workshop

We took part in a conductive music workshop where we were able to use coding to produce music.  We learnt lots and had great fun.

Anglo-Saxon trip to Wildwood

On Wednesday 22nd February Widemouth and Summerleaze classes visited Wildwood at Escott to find out more about life in Anglo-Saxon England. We looked at an Anglo-Saxon village, made bread, wattle and daub and our own coins.  We also learnt about runes and carve them onto some wood.  This will help us with our learning over the next term which is about the struggle between Alfred the Great and the Vikings.

The Clocktower

We watched a video on the Literacy Shed website entitled the Clock Tower.  We retold it in our own style.  Please find some of the stories we have written published below:


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