We had a wonderful day at Bridgemill! Here are some photos of us looking at the chickens, feeding the sheep, pond dipping, on a mini-beast-hunt and running up and down a hill!
Claire Vowell read her book Nurdle to us. We loved the story!
We talked about microplastics and how they get into our oceans. We asked her lots of sensible questions at the end.
The class have enjoyed playing the glockenspiel in their music lessons.
We have been learning about all the different things that can be in the sky, including the weather, transport and birds. We have especially enjoyed learning about space and the first man to walk on the moon. Here are some examples of our work.
The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the activities provided by the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association. Here are some photos from the practical session.
We have started our daily phonics lessons this week.
We have started our daily phonics lessons this week.
Several members of our class took part in Kilk’s Got Talent, here are some pictures of members of Sandymouth taking part in the event.
In class we learnt about Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday. We also made pancakes and tasted them.
After creating aliens, Sandymouth then described them using the tricky words he or she to start their sentences.
Writing showcase
We have been learning about the first moon landing. We have been using our new digraph knowledge from phonics to write words like first, moon etc We then told Mrs Moyle something we remembered, after we had watched a short film showing the first loon landing.
What’s in the sky? January 2023
in Sandymouth we have been learning about space. We watched a film of the moon landings in 1969 and then painted our own rockets and planets!
This is a guide on how we are teaching your children to say their sounds this term