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Little Red Riding Hood Drama - September 2024

Northcott have been learning the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood,' so they can retell it. They acted out the story to help them learn it.

Our trip to Bridge Mill

Taking part in the RNLI beach safety assembly

Science Week Assembly - Our learning about moths and adaptation

Kilk’s Got Talent -Northcott -March 2024

The three little pigs retelling

Showing our knowledge of the human body by creating them out of playdough

Learning about all things farming!

Practising spirals in art.

Making windmills for a mouse in D.T.

Exploring toys from the past

Showing emotions in PSHE

Testing materials in science

Puppet making

Bird Sculptures

Kilk' Got Talent

Several members of our class took part in Kilk’s Got Talent, here are some pictures of members of Northcott taking part in the event.

Ronya, Caitlin and Effie dancing

Still image for this video

Music in Northcott- February 2023

We have been learning the song, ‘I am in the Groove’ and have been looking at different musical styles including: blues, Bhangra, folk and Latin. 

We have now started to compose our own piece of music to accompany the song.


How to say phase 5 sounds taught in Year One

Here is a useful guide on the sounds your child will be taught during Year One.
