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Dear Parents and Carers,


As you are no doubt aware, the prime minister addressed the nation last night about the Covid-19 lockdown.  During his address, he stated that children in Reception and Years One and Six could go back to school from the 1st of June at the earliest.


I am sure that you have many questions following last night’s statement.  At present, I am not yet in a position to provide answers or information as I am awaiting advice from the Department for Education about how and when schools will be opened safely to children and how social distancing rules will work in a school setting.  I want to reassure you that once that advice has been made available to schools, I will be in a position to give you further updates.


However, at this present time and for the short term, nothing has changed.  The school remains closed to the overwhelming majority of its pupils and is only open to provide childcare to key workers.  Work will continue to be set by teachers and posted on our Class Dojo site, unless other arrangements have been made.


I apologise that I am unable as yet to give you any answers or information about the reopening of the school and want to reassure you that any decision that I will make will have the safety of your child and our school staff at its heart.


Yours faithfully,


Michael Watson

Head Teacher

