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Extension of Coronavirus Restrictions - June 2021

Dear Parent/Carers,


As you are no doubt aware, the prime minister announced to the nation on Monday that there would be no further lifting of Coronavirus restrictions before the 19th July 2021 rather than the anticipated date of 21st June.

We had planned for many of our events to be held in the second half of this term to take advantage of the planned relaxations of Covid 19 retsrictions.  The announcement has meant that we have had to take a look at our plans.

I have received confirmation from the Department for Education this afternoon that ‘ all current protective measures (in place in school) remain in place until there is a further announcement on Step Four of the roadmap.  Therefore, the following measures will remain in place at the school:


  1. Children will be educated in and play within their class ‘bubbles’, there can be no mixing of bubbles within school or on the playground and field.
  2. The staggered start and finish to the school day will remain – 8.50 – 3.20 Sandymouth and Duckpool; 8.55-3.25 Crooklets; 9.00-3.30pm Widemouth and Summerleaze
  3. We will still ask parents to wear facemasks and observe social distancing at the start and end of the day when dropping off and collecting children.
  4. We will still keep an enhanced regime of cleaning door handles and other areas
  5. Hand sanitisation will be kept as a high priority at school at the beginning and end of the day
  6. I regret that we cannot have parents within the school building whilst we remain under Coronavirus restrictions.

The above measures also have impacted upon the planned events we were going to hold including:

  • The school sports day will take place in strictly segregated bubbles but I regret to inform you that we will be unable to have any spectators.
  • The Area Sports which were due to happen in July have been postponed until September
  • The ‘Meet you new teacher’ sessions which were due to happen on the 7th and 8th July will now not be able to take place.  We will be investigating how we can make these virtual so all children get to meet their new teacher.
  • Finally, I am really sad to inform you that we will not be able to have any parents attend the leaving assembly on Friday 23rd July.  However, I am planning to live broadcast this on Microsoft Teams on the day so any parent who wishes to attend can do so.

I appreciate that many of you will be disappointed with the decisions I have made.  They have been made by following advice and guidance given to me by the Department for Education and Public Health England.  My prime concern is to keep all members of the school community as safe as possible from the Coronavirus especially at a time when Delta Variant cases are rising across Britain.


Please can I also remind you that if your child or a member of your household develops symptoms, your child should remain off school until a negative test has been received.  This should be a PCR test which can be booked by calling the NHS on 119.


Although many of us have received a first vaccine or both vaccines, please can I ask for your support in these matters as, not all members of the parental body have yet been vaccinated and we have parents, teachers and children with underlying health issues.


I also want to reassure you that as a staff team, we will endeavour to make the last five weeks of this term as normal and fun as possible for the children,


Thank you for your continued support in these strange times,


Yours faithfully

Michael Watson

Head Teacher
